Call for Papers – Replication and Reproducibility: Questions Asked and Answered via Research Synthesis

The primary mission of Psychological Bulletin is to contribute a cohesive, authoritative, theory-based, and complete synthesis of scientific evidence in the field of psychology.

The editorial team is currently interested in the contribution of meta-analysis and systematic reviews to answering questions about the replication and reproducibility of psychological findings. This call is designed to encourage authors to consider the degree to which multi-study primary research papers, systematic replications efforts (e.g., Open Science Framework and Many Labs Replications), and meta-analysis can contribute to substantial psychological knowledge.

The editors of Psychological Bulletin announce interest in publishing Replication and Reproducibility: Questions Asked and Answered via Research Synthesis. Papers may be published as a special issue or as a series of special sections. Manuscripts will be evaluated and may be published as they come in but must be submitted by June 30, 2017 forconsideration for the special sections/issue.

We invite authors to submit single papers that address a clearly defined question related to replication and reproducibility of psychological findings using systematic-review or meta-analytic perspectives. Purely methodological papers, such as tests or criticisms of particular approaches, or commentaries on replication and reproducibility, are not appropriate for Psychological Bulletin. Primary-level research reports are also outside of the interest domain of Psychological Bulletin. Examples of possible manuscripts include but are not limited to:

  • meta-analyzing replication efforts
  • comparing evidence from different replication methods
  • synthesizing models of replication determinants
  • meta-analyzing predictors of questionable research practices and retraction
  • comparing methods to gauge publication bias

For guidance in proposing a submission, interested authors may contact the Editor, Dolores Albarracín (, or Associate Editor, Blair T. Johnson ( Alternatively, authors are free to submit unsolicited manuscripts and should indicate that the submission targets this call in the cover letter.