A student executive board in Division 16–the Student Affiliates in School Psychology–is conducting a National Program Climate Survey for school psychology graduate students. The purpose of this study is to survey several critical aspects pertaining to program climate, such as student sense of safety, relationships, and teaching/learning in the program. Robust literature surrounds the benefits of a positive school climate for school-aged children; however, the graduate-level population has been underserved in this research. In other words, it is well known in our field that school climate has a positive influence on student outcomes; however, the question stands as to whether graduate programs are providing the necessary program climates that promote healthy well-being in their own graduate students.

This survey is anonymous, protecting both student and program confidentiality. This survey will aggregate data to draw conclusions about school psychology programs in general; there is no possibility to identify what program students are in.

To participate in the current study, participants must be a graduate student enrolled in a School Psychology graduate program (e.g., masters, specialist, doctoral) in the United States.

  • Exclusion criteria: Students who have left or graduated from their program (not currently enrolled)
  • Time commitment: 15-30 minutes
  • Compensation: No compensation will be given for completing the survey

If you are eligible and willing to complete the survey, please follow the link provided here: https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0JIBJ0moDvVxpFX

Thank you for your interest and commitment to ensuring positive program climates for school psychology graduate students! If you have any questions, please contact Marie Tanaka, PI, at marietanaka@email.arizona.edu

SASP Climate Survey Committee