Postdoctoral Scholar Focus and Description of Training
Through our Advancing Future Faculty Diversity Postdoctoral Program, the Lehigh University College of Education (COE) is seeking a postdoctoral scholar whose research and training interests involve the application of school psychology to comprehensively promote learning, socioemotional competence, and health among children and youth through integration of schools with pediatric discipline and health service systems. The purpose of this program is to prepare early career scholars for a tenure-track university faculty position. Our priority is to support a scholar focused on family-centered pediatric school psychology that promotes equity among populations underserved in educational and healthcare systems. The postdoctoral scholar will be mentored by two senior faculty members in the Lehigh University School Psychology program (Drs. George DuPaul and Patricia Manz).
Research Opportunities & Resources available to postdoctoral scholar
Postdoctoral scholars will develop their research programs from the resources and projects established in the school psychology program. Our program has strong collaborative relationships with regional school districts (e.g., Bethlehem Area School District, Easton Area School District), healthcare networks (e.g., Lehigh Valley Health Network, St. Luke’s University Health Network, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia), and community agencies (e.g., early intervention/childhood education, home visiting, Head Start) for research and training activities. Current research foci include early home-based interventions for young children at-risk for ADHD and for parent-child interactions that promote infant/toddler development, integrated service systems for young children marginalized by socioeconomic disadvantage, and family-centered care and educational involvement. There are multiple opportunities for interdisciplinary collaborations with faculty affiliated with programs within the COE (e.g., counseling psychology, special education) and in Lehigh’s other colleges (e.g., Population Health; Health, Medicine, and Society; Psychology). Funding opportunities to support the scholar’s research program include university-wide Faculty Research Grants ( and COE strategic research opportunity grants.
Teaching & Mentoring Opportunities
The postdoctoral scholar will be mentored to develop and teach one graduate level course per year, including courses in pediatric school psychology (e.g., Pediatric Health Psychology, Comprehensive School Health Programs) and/or in the core school psychology curriculum (e.g., Advanced School and Family Interventions, Applied Behavior Analysis). Graduate student mentorship opportunities include membership on doctoral qualifying research projects and dissertation committees as well as possible engagement in student-focused activities (e.g., panel discussions, collaborative mentoring events).
Please see more details and submission instructions at
For additional information, please contact Drs. George DuPaul (email: or Patricia Manz (email: