ACNC is an independent community-based 501(3) non-profit organization focused primarily on serving recent immigrant families in the greater Northern California region.  Calif.  We seek a licensed clinical psychologist, competent in cross-culturally sensitive service delivery to the autism community (both children and their families) with core interest in clinical work and, optionally, interest to develop his or her own treatment research.  Salary, benefits and hours will depend on experiences (FTE in the $120-140K annually range).

Please email your CV to Dr. Bryna Siegel ( to apply, or email Dr. Siegel to learn more.

We are seeking a Clinical Director to serve as Programs Director and Training Director leading PhD/PsyD clinical psychology candidates in autism diagnosis and screening for related NDDs.   We do this through a ‘medical model’ of real time 1:1 supervision, by using our  A/V monitoring system giving supervisors constant contact with all clinical assessment so it can be paired with real time in situa teaching.  The Program Director part of this position involves maintaining and growing our service delivery model, and also supervising senior diagnostic and early intervention professionals.

The ideal candidate has interests in supervising plus growing new related family-centric  autism services and may also want time for proof-of-concept data collection. No direct patient service (beyond supervision) is required, but a strong interest in teaching interns, and service delivery emphasizing both diagnosis and treatment planning is ideal.  Beyond our assessment clinic (NDAC), services include our JumpStart Learning to Learn parent training and LaunchPad transition to adulthood (see  Treatment planning at ACNC is guided by the work of ACNC’s founder and Executive Director, Dr. Siegel, translating autism symptoms into autism-specific learning disabilities and autism-specific learning styles.