The Ethics Code Task Force (“ECTF”), a task force of the APA Ethics Committee, seeks your comments to ensure that a new draft Ethics Code:  Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (“draft Ethics Code” or “draft Code”) meets the needs of the profession and the discipline of psychology.  The ECTF was charged with creating a draft Code that is visionary and transformational and remains a leading practical resource for ethics in psychological science, education and practice while retaining those aspects of our Ethics Code that serve the public, discipline, and profession.

The new draft, as well as the system for providing comments, is available here:

It has been over twenty years since APA’s current Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct was adopted. This new draft Code is designed to be the Ethics Code for the profession and the discipline and cover the wide variety of roles and responsibilities of psychologists working with individuals, groups, organizations, communities, and systems.  It incorporates scientific and technological advances, growth in psychology as a field, and the importance of diversity and culture, and social justice.  In addition to any comments you have, the ECTF is particularly interested in your comments concerning the relevance and adequacy of the proposed draft for your area of work. Please include helpful insights or examples concerning specific principles and standards.

The ECTF is seeking public comments on the initial draft Ethics Code for a 90-day period. We request that each Board, Committee, Division, SPTA and other responding groups provide one response representing their group. We encourage each group to determine the best method by which they can achieve a collective response. Comments will be reviewed and incorporated to strengthen the draft. We value your participation in helping to create a transformational APA Ethics Code.

Thank you for your review and feedback, as you are an important part of the development of a new APA Ethics Code.  The deadline for submitting comments is March 19, 2025 at 11:59 PM EST.