SPRCC is excited to invite applications for the 2026 School Psychology Research Collaboration Conference (SPRCC), an opportunity for emerging scholars to build collaborative relationships with fellow early career colleagues and receive mentorship from advanced scholars in the field of school psychology. Sponsored by the Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP), the SPRCC is a mechanism to actively support the efforts of early career researchers who conduct psychological research relevant to education and the practice of psychology in schools. Such collaboration among early career and advanced scholars is designed to facilitate scholarship that addresses complex and important problems relevant to schools, students, and their communities. The 2026 SPRCC will be held February 22-23, 2026, before the NASP Annual Convention in Chicago, IL. It will be co-sponsored by the School of Education, Loyola University Chicago.

In 2022 and 2024, the SPRCC was revisioned and transformed to better support early career scholars in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the persistent, systemic, and relational inequities for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) scholars. The 2026 SPRCC will maintain its emphasis on promoting equity and social justice and creating an inclusive space for participants with marginalized identities.

Learn more here.


Potential early career scholars should be professionals in their first 10 years after receiving a doctorate (i.e., no earlier than December 2015). We will also consider applications from those who received their doctorate outside of this window, but have recently taken a position focused on scholarship (e.g., assistant professor). Scholars within the 10-year window who have already attended SPRCC but who believe they would benefit from additional mentoring or collaboration given unique circumstances (e.g., impact of COVID, change of position) may apply to attend this conference and should use their application materials to explain their interest in attending again.


To be considered for the SPRCC, please submit the application by completing the Google Form (available at this link: 2026 SPRCC Application Form) and attaching the applicants’ most recent curriculum vitae and a cover letter (maximum 3 pages). You can preview the full list of questions in the 2026 SPRCC Application Form at this link: Application Form Questions. The deadline for application is 5PM PST on Monday, March 17, 2025. Late submissions cannot be accepted due to planning timelines.

Questions/Feedback: Please feel welcome to email the SPRCC planning committee with questions and feedback at sssp.sprcc@gmail.com. Further, committee members will be available to talk about the 2026 SPRCC during the 2025 NASP Convention in Seattle and a virtual social event. Details will be forthcoming.

2026 SPRCC Planning Committee

Chunyan Yang, Chair
Stephanie D’Costa, Co-Chair
Kai Zhuang Shum, SPRCC Committee Member
Lora Henderson Smith, SPRCC Committee Member
Bryn Harris, SSSP Committee Member
Michelle Demaray, SSSP Committee Member
Tai Collins, SSSP Committee Member