The Society for the Study of School Psychology (SSSP)-DEI committee seeks community support in helping to identify published research that is grounded in theory relevant to the social/historical/cultural dynamics impacting the population under study.

Why are we seeking research exemplars in this area?

Our committee identified a need for guidance for authors and reviewers about best practices in published research related to five areas listed below. We have found the APA JARS (Journal Article Reporting Standards) helpful (see JARS- Race, Ethnicity, and Culture (JARS–REC), Yet, we thought excerpts/examples from research would more clearly show how the standards can be met. With this in mind, we will develop resources and compile exemplars/references on a publically accessible website. We believe exemplars can offer all of us guidance and inspiration for future scholarship in school psychology.

Details here: We seek exemplary published research (including sections of a published manuscript) that successfully does one or more of the following:

(1) describes the topic of study within systems of power (e.g., racism, sexism, ableism).
(2) uses strengths-based approaches to participants/settings.
(3) addresses social justice while avoiding deficit, damage-centered framing.
(4) recognizes researcher positionality.
(5) incorporates cited authors and research team members that reflect the sociodemographics of the populations under study.

Have you published or do you know of exemplars (inside or outside the field of school psychology)? Please consider sharing your own work.

Please back channel your references or PDFs to We would appreciate it if you might please specify which areas (1-5 above) are “brought to life” in the publications you submit. We will review all submissions and directly share the final selected compilation of sources to thank you for your contribution.

Thank you for supporting this effort.


Committee members: Mel Collier-Meek, Tai Collins, Anne Gregory, Janine Jones, Elisa Shernoff
Research assistant support: Joseph Lampton