
President: Antoinette Miranda, PhD

Antoinette Miranda is professor of School Psychology in the Department of Educational Studies. She was the first recipient (2014) of the William H. and Laceryjette V. Casto Professorship in Interprofessional Education in honor of Henry and Ruth Leuchter and Van Bogard and Geraldine Dunn. Her research interests include developing effective interventions with at-risk children in urban settings, consultation services in urban settings and the development of racial identity and its relationship to academic achievement. She is a past president of the Ohio School Psychologist Association and Trainers of School Psychologists. She also was the secretary for the Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs. She was the 2014 recipient of the TSP Outstanding Trainer of the Year Award. 


Past President: Michelle Perfect, PhD

Dr. Perfect is Professor in the School Psychology Program at the University of Arizona. Dr. Perfect received her doctorate in Educational Psychology (specialization: School Psychology) from the University of Texas at Austin and her master’s degree in Psychology from New York University. She completed her APA-accredited pre-doctoral psychology internship at the University of Medicine and Dentistry in Newark, NJ. Afterward, she completed postdoctoral fellowships in pediatric psychology at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, TX and in health psychology and biostatistics at Scott & White Memorial Hospital in Temple, TX. She has been actively involved in the American Psychological Association Division 16 (School Psychology) having served as Convention chair, the Vice President of Publications and Communications, and now President. She also serves on APA’s Committee on Professional Practice Standards (COPPS). Dr. Perfect’s teaching interests include clinical supervision, research methods, mental health and therapy, development, and advanced assessment.   

Dr. Perfect utilizes mixed methods to 1) examine the benefit of sleep, behavioral medicine, positive psychology, technology-based, or mind-body interventions to improve school-related and neurobehavioral (learning, behavior, memory, attention, self-regulation) functioning; 2) utilize an intersectional approach to strengthen the critical and collaborative roles of systems (school, family, healthcare, fostercare, policy) in students’ lives; and 3) increase educational access and success for culturally and economically diverse students to mitigate effects of adversities.  Her research has been funded by the American Diabetes Association, National Institutes of Health, Institute of Education Sciences, and National Science Foundation.  

President-Elect: Julia Ogg, PhD


Vice Presidents & Officers

Vice President for Convention Affairs & Public Relations (VP-CAPR) (2023-25)
Jessica Reinhardt
Temple University
College of Education
Email: reinhardt@temple.edu

Vice President for Education, Training, & Scientific Affairs (VP-ETSA) (2023-25)
Lindsay Fallon
University of Massachusetts Boston
School Psychology PhD Program, College of Education of Human Development
Email: lindsay.fallon@umb.edu

Vice President for Membership (2024-26)
Melissa Bray
University of Connecticut
School Psychology Program
Email: mbray@uconn.edu

Vice President for Professional Affairs (VP-PA) (2024-26)
Suzanne Margiano
University of Connecticut
Email: smargiano@gmail.com

Vice President of Publications and Communication (VP-PC) (2025-2027)
Mel Collier-Meek
Columbia University
Teachers College
Email: mc5256@tc.columbia.edu

Vice President for Social and Ethical Responsibility, and Ethnic Minority Affairs (VP-SEREMA) (2025-2027)
Jorge Gonzalez
Trinity University
Department of Education, School Psychology

Email: jgonza14@trinity.edu

Secretary (2025-27)
Kristin Rispoli
Michigan State University
College of Education
Email: rispolik@msu.edu

Treasurer-Elect (2025-27)
Andrew Garbacz
University of Wisconsin-Madison
School of Education
Email: andy.garbacz@wisc.edu

Council Representatives

Tammy Hughes (2022-2024)
Duquesne University
Email: hughest@duq.edu

Jennifer Cooper (2025-27)
Fordham University
Division of Psychological & Educational Services 

Vincent C. Alfonso (2023-26)
Gonzaga University
School of Education
Email: alfonso@gonzaga.edu