Jack Bardon Distinguished Service Award

Nomination Deadline: March 1st



Each year, APA’s Division of School Psychology (Division 16) presents an award in honor of Jack Bardon, who helped bring the profession to maturity during a major expansion period. The Jack Bardon Distinguished Service Award is given to mature professional and academic school psychologists who have continued this important work through voluntary professional service that goes above and beyond the requirements of the position the person holds and who has demonstrated an exceptional program of service across a career that merits special recognition. A sustained program of service to the profession of school psychology throughout one’s career is the primary consideration in making the award. Self-nominations welcome.



The recipient of the Jack Bardon award is a distinguished figure within the profession with a history of sustained contributions and accomplishments.  Nominees should meet the following criteria:

Major leadership in the development, delivery or administration of innovative psychological services or development and implementation of policy leading to psychologically and socially sound preservice and/or training and practice in school psychology; and sound evaluation of such training and service delivery models and policies.

Sustained professional organization contributions including holding offices and committee memberships in state and national professional organizations such as Division 16 and significant products from those contributions that further the profession of school psychology.  Examples include creation of and revisions to policy and practice manuals based on innovative guidance; guiding major policy or legislative initiatives; mentoring of new professionals into organizational contributions; administering dissemination of professional materials through such publication editing or convention programming; and representing psychology to the public and government through service on boards and commissions. The Jack Bardon Distinguished Service Award is to be given for sustained service to the profession across a number of years and not for service in one office or major task force.

Be 20 years past the granting of their doctoral degree as of September 1, 2025.  

Be a Fellow or Member of Division 16.

How to Apply


The following materials must be submitted for each nominee: 

1) A copy of the nominee’s CV (required)    

2) A 1-2 page personal statement from the nominee describing their commitment to and impact of their service to the field (optional but encouraged)

3) Up to three letters of support from community partners and/or peers/colleagues to demonstrate impact of service. 

All nominations and related materials must be submitted by 11:59PM EST on March 1, 2025 via this form. Please contact Division 16’s Vice President for Education, Training and Scientific Affairs (VP-ETSA), Lindsay Fallon (lindsay.fallon@umb.edu) with questions.

Past Recipients


2024: Sarah Valley-Gray
No Award
Scott Poland
Philip Lazarus
William Pfohl
William Erchul
Ralph E. Cash
Vincent Alfonso
  Rik Carl D’Amato
2014:  Karen Stoiber
2013:  Frank C. Worrell
2012:  Beth Doll
2011:  Rick Short
2010:  Cecil Reynolds
2009:  Steven G. Little
2008:  Elaine Clark
2007:  Jack A. Cummings
2006:  Patti L. Harrison, LeAdelle Phelps
2005:  Cindy Carlson, Thomas Kratochwill
2004:  no award presented
2003:  Mark Shinn
2002:  Jon Sandoval
2001:  Roy Martin
2000:  Deborah Tharinger
1999:  James Barclay
1998:  Jan Hughes, Ronda C. Talley
1997:  Stephen DeMers

1996: Joel Myers
Jane C. Conoley
Walter Pryswansky, Sylvia Rosenfield
No award presented
No award presented
Thomas K. Fagan
Thomas Oakland
1989: Judith L. Alpert
1988: Irwin Hyman
1987: Calvin L. Dyer
1986: John H. Jackson
1985: Joseph L. French
1984: Seymour Sarason
1983: Susan Gray
1982: C. Edward Meyer
1981: Gilbert O. Trachtman
1980: Nadine Lambert
1979: Rosa A. Hagin
1978: Beeman Phillips
1977: Virginia Bennett
1976: Jack I. Bardon
1975: T. Ernest Newland
1974: Mary Alice White
1973: David Wechsler (Special Award), Boyd V. McCandless
1972: Maria Skodak Crissey
1971: Frances Mullen
1970: Edward French