Each year Division 16 nominates school psychologists for fellow status in APA. To be recommended for fellowship in Div. 16, candidates must have made contributions in at least one of the following areas:
- Sustained publication in the field of school psychology documenting empirical research, the development of significant theory or method, or other scholarly pursuits.
- A major role in the conceiving, planning and directing of relevant research and training programs.
- Spreading an understanding and application of new knowledge about school psychology through innovations in teaching and/or practice.
- Demonstrating leadership in identifying problems, defining goals, formulating methods, communicating the aims and ideals of the field and advancing the organizational implementation of its purpose.
Additionally, individuals must be current APA and Division 16 members in order to access the Fellows portal. Materials should be forwarded on each nominee, including a vita, supporting letters (minimum of three) and other supporting materials indicative of the nominee’s contributions. Please see an overview of the nomination process.
Applications are accepted from Nov 1 to Dec 1 through the Online Fellows Submission Portal: https://www.apa.org/members/your-membership/fellows.
Chair is Rosemary Flanagan (rflanaganabpp@gmail.com). Questions may be directed to her.