I am writing to inform you about an opportunity to contribute a brief review article to CYF NEWS, a bi-annual newsletter produced by the Committee on Children, Youth, and Families (CYF), which is a standing committee of the American Psychological Association (APA). I will be serving as a guest editor of the special issue, which will focus on the Well-being of American Indian Children, Families, and Communities. The special issue will review programs and practices that address the social, emotional, spiritual, and health needs of American Indian children, families, and communities.

CYF NEWS is a widely disseminated newsletter (here is a link to past issues of CYF news: http://www.apa.org/pi/families/resources/newsletter/issues.aspx). The audience includes academic researchers, clinical practitioners, policy makers, funding agency representatives, federal lobbyists at APA, and representatives at NIJ, OJJDP, NSF, and NICHD. All have interest in child, youth, and/or family topics and issues in the field. Thus, CYF NEWS contributions have the potential to shape dialogue, policy, and possible future funding directions that can affect the lives of children, youth, and families. It is imperative that contributions to CYF NEWS are well-grounded in scientific research and evidence-based findings.

Details and submission requirements are as follows:

1. Submissions are limited to 1500 words. This word limit does NOT include references or brief author bios, and amounts to about 6 pages.
2. The deadline for submission is August 10th, 2017
3. Co-authors are welcome (including graduate and postdoctoral students)
4. Pictures and brief bios are published with the articles and are due shortly after articles are submitted
5. CYF NEWS is not a peer reviewed journal. I will serve as the guest editor, and will solicit help reviewing contributions as needed
6. The issue will be published in October 2017
7. Between 3-4 contributions will be included

If you would like to submit an article, please contact me. We can discuss your proposed submission to ensure it will be tailored appropriately and in the most effective manner possible. I can be reached at michael.lawler@usd.edu


Michael J. Lawler, MSW, PhD
Dean and Professor
School of Health Sciences
University of South Dakota
414 East Clark Street
Vermillion, SD 57069 USA