Submit Your News to Division 16


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Division 16 values your privacy and collects personal details (such as name and email address) to better serve you and the School Psychology community. You can read our full privacy policy here.

Attachments or Heavy Formatting?

Please email Wade George, Division 16 Director of Communications, at

Division 16 happily shares content which is…

  • Directly related to the domain of School Psychology
  • Beneficial to our worldwide network of scholars and practitioners
  • Well-written, concise, and insightful
  • Devoid of gratuitously explicit language/graphic media

By contrast, Division 16 will not share content which…

  • Solicits survey responses or other research requests (feel free to post these on our Facebook page directly!)
  • Promotes behavior or ideology contrary to the best traditions of School Psychology
  • Is protected by copyright
  • Requires significant editing for ease of comprehension

That said, we’d love to hear from you! Please complete the form below to submit your news.