School Psychology
(Previously School Psychology Quarterly)
Now Published 6 Times Per Year!
Impact Factor: 2.945; Rank: 22nd of 61 Journals Under JCR Psychology-Educational
School Psychology, a publication of Division 16 publishes empirical studies and literature reviews of the psychology of education and services for children in school and other settings, encompassing a full range of methodologies and orientations, including educational, cognitive, social, cognitive behavioral, preventive, cross-cultural, and developmental perspectives.
Focusing primarily on children, youth, and the adults who serve them, School Psychology publishes research pertaining to the education of populations across the life span.
We welcome manuscripts from scholars throughout the world, including research from multi-site international projects and work that has the potential to be adapted to and implemented around the globe to address the needs of diverse populations, cultures, and communities.
Papers linking innovative empirical research with practice and public policy in the USA and elsewhere will also be considered.
Manuscript submission types include:
- Empirical Articles
- Advances in Research Methods
- Brief Reports
- Reviews/Meta-Analyses
Journal Highlights
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Article Spotlight: Read free summaries of recent journal articles here.
Top Downloaded Articles: View a list of the 25 most downloaded articles of 2022 here.
Curated Article Themes: Enjoy special, curated article lists for SLD Identification, Preventing Suicidality in Schools, School Safety, Culturally Informed School Prevention & Intervention, Inclusive School Systems, and Youth Mental Health.
Special Issues & Topics: Find a list (and links!) to recent special issues from our journal here.
APA Journals Dialogue Podcast: Listen to APA’s free podcast series featuring interviews with early-career authors and researchers of exciting research recently published in an APA journal, here.
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Robin Codding, PhD