January 13, 2018, Nashville, TN

The Diversifying Clinical Psychology (DCP) Event is an opportunity for those who are members of underrepresented populations and who are interested in getting a PhD in Clinical Psychology to informally meet with Directors from PhD programs across the nation.

We would like to invite those of you from underrepresented backgrounds to attend the following event if you are applying or are interested in applying to PhD programs in Clinical Psychology.

Event: The Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology (CUDCP) participates in a networking event every year with the purpose of increasing recruitment of students from underrepresented populations for Clinical Psychology PhD programs. During the event, participants interested in applying to Clinical Psychology PhD Programs have an opportunity to meet and network with directors of Clinical Psychology PhD Programs, as well as present a research poster and attend professional development workshops.This is a fantastic opportunity for students to learn about specific doctoral programs, ask questions, and network with an array of psychologists across the nation. Students who have presented at prior CUDCP Diversifying Clinical Psychology events have had great success gaining admission in the very competitive clinical psychology application process and reported benefitting from the presenting workshops.The next meeting will be on January 13th, 2018 at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. There is no cost associated with registering for this event. Interested students should fill out this online application (next page) and notification of acceptance to attend the event will be sent out on a rolling basis. Presenting a research poster at the event is not required but is highly encouraged. Posters eligible to be presented at CUDCP can be for research presented at other conferences, posters with preliminary results, or posters proposing future research. We will be sending out poster templates to those who register for the event. Unfortunately, CUDCP doesn’t have funding to pay for students’ lodging or travel, but there will be cash awards and recognition for the best posters presented at the event. Also, to reduce cost, we offer students the possibility of sharing rooms with other attending students, and there also may be the possibility of staying with a local graduate student.

Additional information will be emailed to those who register for the event, here: https://ttupsych.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_djy58pEiWYObR41 Please register by January 7, 2018.