A few days ago, ASPPB released this letter rescinding their decision to require all states and provinces to implement Part 2 of the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP). Part 2 is skills-based exam planned for a 2020 release, and is expected to  complement the current version of the EPPP, which assesses knowledge. This decision allows jurisdictions to choose whether or not they will adopt the second part of the EPPP when it is released. CECP is concerned about the implications of this decision. We are continuing to monitor the following issues:

  • Mobility. Having some states take on  Part 2 while others do not is likely to increase the difficulties people have moving from one state to another and getting licensed. This may particularly deter service in rural communities that already struggle to have enough qualified mental health professionals to provide sufficient care.
  • Permanence. The language of the letter leaves the door open to change this decision in the future. It is important to realize this may not be a permanent decision as a number of states are already laying the groundwork to implement  Part 2 immediately upon release.
  • Sequence of training. It is unclear whether  Part 1 will be available prior to graduation (and after core coursework is completed). This is something that CECP, APAGS, and the APA Board of Directors have advocated for, and which ASPPB initially agreed to allow beginning in 2020 with the roll-out of Part 2. What we can say with certainty at this point is that Part 1 will not be able to be taken earlier in any state that does not adopt the Part 2 examination.
  • Cost. We have heard no mention of reduction in fees for states that agree to require the Part 2 exam. ASPPB maintains that Part 1 and Part 2 will cost $600 each. We remain concerned about how this may impact the decision to come into the field, as well as the continued difficulties associated with another cost for someone transitioning from student to early career psychologist.

Once again, your representatives at APA are monitoring this recent development and we will pass along any substantial news that we learn in the weeks ahead. You may use this listerv to discuss reactions and ask questions; you can also reach me individually at tdbaileypsyd@gmail.com.

With warm regards,
Tyson D Bailey, PsyD