Join Buros for a complimentary webinar from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. CST on Tuesday, March 2 to hear presentations from four of his distinguished colleagues: Drs. Lee Anna Clark, Martin Sellbom, Irwin Waldman, and James M. Wood. Presentations will address Dr. Scott O. Lilienfeld’s research interests in the assessment of personality disorders and psychopathology and the validity of psychological test interpretations.  Dr. Lilienfeld’s co-author and widow, Ms. Candice Basterfield, will provide introductory remarks.

Dr. Lilienfeld was the Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Psychology at Emory University and served on the Buros Center for Testing’s National Advisory Council (NAC). His career overlapped the mission of the Center in aiming to improve the science and practice of testing, and his contributions as a council member were exceedingly valuable. Our respect for Dr. Lilienfeld coupled with our sense of loss brought by his passing inspired us to organize the Lilienfeld Honorary Webinar to recognize him and his work in psychological assessment.

APA CE and NASP CPD credits are available. We do encourage all attendees to consider donating to a fund in Dr. Lilienfeld’s name.  For more information, visit  For questions, contact Dr. Jessica Jonson at