Division 16 invites your proposals for APA’s 2024 Annual Convention in Seattle, WA! We are excited to be back in Seattle and hope to see you there! The APA Convention will be August 8-10, 2024.
Proposals are encouraged in all areas related to school psychology. We will accept skill-building sessions, symposia, critical conversations, and posters. Poster presentations will be in person or virtual.
We are accepting proposals now through January 10, 2024 at 5:00PM Eastern time. Presenters are encouraged to request to be considered for CE credits. APA will make decisions about CE sessions after proposals are accepted. Several session types will be available.
Skill Building Session (50 minutes): Skill Building sessions should offer practical experience to help participants increase their understanding and skills in a particular area of current interest in the field of psychology. Activities and discussions should be woven into the session plan to help attendees truly apply learnings to their work. Session topics might include (but are not limited to) demonstrations of various methodologies, interviews, therapeutic or assessment techniques, statistical or scientific approaches.
Symposia (50 minutes): Symposia are focused sessions in which multiple speakers present information related to a unifying topic that is viewed to be a significant common theme, issue, or question. The presentations generally include a review of data but may also include discussions of contrasting viewpoints or other innovative strategies for engaging the audience. A symposium should include 2 or 3 brief presentations of research, practice or educational content. Other symposia roles, including chairs and discussants are optional.
Critical Conversations (50 minutes): Critical Conversations are designed to support informed conversations between presenters and audience members. These sessions should begin with one or more brief presentations designed to provide the information needed for the audience to effectively participate in the discussion. The chair should act as a moderator to ensure that the bulk of the time in the discussion portion is spent in conversation with the audience.
Poster (50 minutes): Present research findings, new ideas, innovations, and advances in the profession may be shared with as many individuals as possible. Poster sessions allow presenters and attendees to engage in extended discussions regarding the author’s presentation that is in an illustrated format on a poster board. Posters will be accepted for in person or virtual sessions. In-person presenters will also be able to participate in the virtual poster hall. Virtual-only poster presenters are not required to register for APA 2024 to upload their materials but are required to register for the virtual event if they want to participate as an attendee.
Grand Research Competitions: APA divisions will select two top poster submissions: one poster with a first author who is an APAGS member/APA student affiliate and one with a first author who is an APA member. These posters will be showcased during APA 2024 in Seattle, WA.
Cash prizes will be awarded for the best poster, which will be graded on innovation, scientific merit, and poster presentation style. The most outstanding poster from each category will be announced and awarded the top prize. Prize selection will be made ONLY among posters presented in person during Saturday’s Science in the Morning session.
Continuing Education Workshops – Due January 10, 2024 at 5:00pm Eastern Time. More information: https://convention.apa.org/proposals/ce-workshops
All proposals should be submitted through APA’s convention proposal portal. Available at https://convention.apa.org/proposals
Those with questions about proposal formats or submission requirements should contact Division 16 Convention Chair Stacy-Ann A. January (sajanuary@usf.edu) and/or Division 16 Convention Co-Chair Patrice Leverett (pmleverett@gmail.com).