The 2024 Convention Committee is seeking reviewers for proposals for the 2025 APA Convention, which will be held in Denver, Colorado, from August 7 to 9, 2025.
We anticipate that each reviewer will be assigned 4 – 6 proposals submitted for divisional programming as posters, critical conversations, skill-building sessions, or symposia. Proposal abstracts for posters and skill-building sessions have a maximum of 300 words. The review process will begin in mid-January and will wrap up in mid-February. Again, this year, we will offer the opportunity to give or receive mentorship in the reviewer process.
Please complete this interest form no later than Tuesday, December 10 if you can assist the Division with proposal reviews.
Becoming a reviewer is a great opportunity to become involved with Division 16, understand the criteria for reviewing proposals, and contribute to a successful convention! Reviewers are not required to be members of Division 16, and we welcome any school psychology professional or school psychologist in training.
Please pass along this call for reviewers to any other potentially interested individuals!
Those with questions should contact Division 16 Convention Chair Patrice Leverett ( and/or Division 16 Convention Co-Chair Stephanie Campbell (