Each year the Institute for the Study and Promotion of Race and Culture (ISPRC) addresses a racial or cultural issue that could benefit from a pragmatic, scholarly, or grassroots focus through its Diversity Challenge conference.  The theme of Diversity Challenge 2018 is Making Race and Culture Work in the STEM Era: Bringing All People to the Forefront.  

This year, for the first time, you can attend PDP and *CE-Credited Keynote Workshops, Invited Panels, and Seminars from your location. Once you register, you will receive information on how to access the sessions.  The topics include:

  •  Inventing the Future: Leveraging Cultural Assets to Create Young STEM Inventors
  • Bullying and Other Barriers to Diversity in STEM
  • Fostering Culturally Affirming Clinical Supervision in the Workplace: Enhancing Transformative Dialogue in the Supervisory Dyad
  • Addressing Mental Health and Systemic Barriers: Accompanying Students of Color Along their Educational Journey
  • Infusing the Psychology of Working into STEM: Creating Opportunity for All
  • Race and Culture: The Current State of STEM Education
  • Digital Narratives and Storytelling: Engaging Technology, Culture, and Content
  • How Race Matters in Organizations: What You Do Affects Recruitment, Retention, and Productivity

For more information: https://www.bc.edu/bc-web/schools/lsoe/sites/isprc/diversity-challenge.html

*CE Approval Pending