The Ballmer Institute for Children’s Behavioral Health is hiring 25 new field-leading faculty members to build, support and maintain:

  • A next generation child behavioral health workforce.
  • A reimagined school and community service delivery model promoting behavioral health well-being as well as prevention and mitigation of mental health challenges.
  • Field-leading research and development effort creating breakthroughs in behavioral health, prevention, and care.

I am pleased to share these faculty position openings with you and request that you forward them to colleagues who may be interested in these unprecedented opportunities to join in the work of the new Ballmer Institute for Children’s Behavioral Health.

Tenured or tenure-track:

Clinical professor-track:

Made possible by a $425 Million gift from Connie and Steve Ballmer, the institute is building a world-class faculty that will lead the field of child and adolescent behavioral health to unimagined improvements in workforce development, service delivery, and research and innovation.

The Ballmer Institute is hiring 10 open-rank tenure-track faculty who will lead this work at our new University of Oregon campus in Northeast Portland, and in collaboration with the existing faculty members in the Department of Psychology and College of Education on the university’s main campus in Eugene.

In addition, 15 open-rank clinical professor track faculty members will be hired. These new faculty members will also teach courses in the new undergraduate program (Undergraduate degree is pending approval of state higher education governing body) in child behavioral health, create a new child and youth service delivery model that prioritizes promotion and prevention, and partner with tenure-track other researchers to quickly, and robustly, test and deploy innovations. These faculty members will also have service delivery appointments in the Portland Public Schools and other area school districts, which will allow them to model services and supervise undergraduate program trainees during their third and fourth years of study, as part of more than 700 hours undergraduates will spend delivering services to K-12 students.