The School Psychology Program at Mississippi State University seeks applicants to join our full-time faculty members for a vacant tenure-track assistant professor position, beginning fall 2023, in its APA accredited and CAEP/NASP approved programs in School Psychology that has ABAI Verified Course Sequences leading to the BCBA and BCBA-D credentials.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

This position will involve teaching, scholarly research, service, and program support through our Department of Counseling, Educational Psychology, and Foundations. Primary responsibilities will include undergraduate and graduate teaching, practicum and research supervision, graduate advising, and program planning activities, as well as research production. The program is based on the scientist-practitioner model with strong emphasis on training in the utilization of empirically based assessment, intervention, and consultation methods. Students in the program obtain an Educational Specialist degree in Education with an emphasis in School Psychology or a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Educational Psychology with an emphasis in School Psychology.

Minimum Qualifications:

Doctorate in psychology or educational psychology with an emphasis in school psychology or a closely related field. ABDs will be considered if the degree will be completed by August 15, 2023.

Preferred Qualifications:

Doctoral degree from a recognized school psychology program approved by NASP and/or accredited by APA; Eligible for licensure as a psychologist in Mississippi; Eligible for NCSP certification; Eligible for BCBA certification; Theoretical orientation consistent with behavioral/cognitive-behavioral foundations; Record of, or potential for excellence in teaching of school psychology courses for diverse student population in university settings; Record of, or potential for scholarly research activity, as evidenced by publications, presentations, grants, etc.; Record of, or potential for excellence in service to the department, university and professional organizations.

Those interested may learn more—including application instructions—at the full announcement.