I am excited to announce that Tulane University is recruiting for a tenure track Assistant Professor position in School Psychology or a closely related discipline, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2024. The school, child clinical, and developmental psychology faculty affiliated with our APA-Accredited doctoral program train and mentor small cohorts of School Psychology PhD students who may also opt into our doctoral certificate in Trauma-Focused School Psychology. The Program is situated in a productive and supportive Department of Psychology, where faculty are engaged in relevant and innovative scholarship.

The Program and Department emphasize research and offer numerous supports to assist early career faculty in developing their nationally visible research programs, which are described in detail in our ad. The new faculty member will also contribute to PhD student mentorship, graduate and/or undergraduate teaching, and Program activities. The Psychology Department at Tulane University is housed on a beautiful campus located in lovely New Orleans, Louisiana. Application review will begin on October 15, 2023, and will continue until the position is filled. Bonnie Nastasi (bnastasi@tulane.edu) and I (cnbaker@tulane.edu) are co-chairing the search and warmly welcome inquiries about the position.

Please find our ad linked here, where you can find out more about the position and apply or share with your networks: http://apply.interfolio.com/131496