Since 2010, Beckman Award has distributed more than $3.6 million in cash awards to 140 professors who have inspired a student to make a significant contribution to society.

Former college, university, and technical students are invited to nominate current or former academic faculty members who have inspired them “to create an organization which has demonstrably conferred a benefit on the community at large” or inspired a former student(s) “to establish on a lasting basis a concept, procedure, or movement of comparable benefit to the community at large” for Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award consideration. Since 2010, the Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award Trust has distributed more than $3.6 million in cash awards to 140 professors who inspired former students to make a significant contribution to society. The annual discretionary cash award is at least $25,000 per winner, with eight to 10 winners each year.

The 2024 nomination deadline is June 15. For more information and to how submit a nomination package, visit Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award Trust – Foundation Grants – Wells Fargo. The nomination package includes an application and support materials including a Cover Letter (optional), Former Student Personal Narrative, and Letter of Support.

Find an official PDF with further details here.