1st International Summer School for School Psychologists

The 1st International Summer School for School Psychologists which will take place in Crete, Greece on July 24-28, 2017. The theme of the Summer School is “School Psychology at Crossroads: Changes, Challenges, Choices for the Well-Being of All Children!”....

Interdivisional Grant Program

The Committee on Division/APA Relations (CODAPAR) of the American Psychological Association seeks proposals for collaborative projects sponsored by two or more APA divisions. The purpose of the program is to support joint activities that enhance the work, interests or...

Reminder: Division 16 GPSPI Applications Due June 30th

Division 16 has developed a Grant Program for School Psychology Internships (GPSPI) to assist with the predoctoral internship crisis in the U.S. The GPSPI’s primary aim is to provide funds and consultation for developing new APPIC School Psychology...