Assistant Professor – Radford University

The Department of Psychology invites applications for a One-year, Full-Time, Temporary position in School Psychology to begin August, 10 2023. At minimum, candidates should have an Ed.S from an approved/accredited program in School Psychology.   Rank is at the...

Assistant Professor – University of Washington

The SMART Center at the University of Washington is seeking an Assistant Professor of Psychiatry (Without Tenure) with Expertise in School Mental Health and Implementation Science. The successful candidate will contribute to several federally-funded projects, lead...

Assistant Professor – Alverno College

Founded in 1887, Alverno College is a four-year, Catholic liberal arts college for undergraduate women sponsored by the School Sisters of St. Francis. The college also offers a robust array of graduate and degree completion programs for women and men. Student learning...

Full-Time Instructor – Western Illinois University

The faculty member will be expected to teach relevant undergraduate and graduate courses, supervise school psychology graduate practicum students and/or internship students and be involved with the on-campus psychoeducational clinic. Undergraduate teaching might...